
How to Prepare for a Consultation With an Auto Accident Attorney

Being involved in an auto accident can be a traumatic experience, both physically and emotionally. It’s essential to seek legal guidance and representation to ensure your rights are protected and that you receive the compensation you deserve. One crucial step in this process is preparing for a consultation with an auto accident attorney. In this blog post, we will discuss some tips on how to effectively prepare for this important meeting.

Know When to Reach Out: 6 Crucial Car Accident Situations to Involve a Lawyer

Navigating the aftermath of a car accident can be as daunting as avoiding one in the first place. Most people are confident about their driving and hope that cautiousness and seat belts will protect them. But the truth is this - over a million people die annually in car crashes worldwide, and millions more suffer from life-altering injuries. But what happens after a car accident might be as important for securing your safety as swerving away.

Five Signs You Might Need a Medical Malpractice Attorney

Medical malpractice is a serious issue that occurs when a healthcare provider fails to provide the standard of care they should provide to their patients. A medical malpractice lawsuit is an option for those who believe they’ve been injured due to medical negligence. However, not all medical errors or negative outcomes are considered malpractice. Here’s a short list of five signs you might need a medical malpractice attorney. Misdiagnosis or Delayed Diagnosis

Do You Need a Car Accident Lawyer for a Collision with a Bus?

Car accidents happen all the time, and the aftermath can be overwhelming. The most common question that most people ask is whether they should hire a car accident lawyer after a collision. However, some people are hesitant to hire a car accident lawyer when they get involved in a crash with a bus. If you are wondering whether to hire an attorney after being in a collision with a bus, this post is for you.

What to Do If You're in a Rideshare Car Accident

The popularity of rideshare services, such as Uber and Lyft, has skyrocketed, with more and more individuals opting for these convenient and cost-effective transportation alternatives. However, accidents can still happen, even with the most cautious drivers. In the event that you are in a rideshare car accident, it can be overwhelming and confusing to know what to do. Here are the steps you should take if you find yourself in this situation.

Who Pays For Injuries To Guests Visiting A Residential Property

One of the responsibilities of owning a home is having liability if a guest gets injured while they are visiting. The liability is even heavier on a homeowner when a guest is clearly injured due to something not being in good condition, such as the stairs or floor. If you are the victim of a residential injury that resulted from the negligence of the homeowner, they can be held liable even if you are refused compensation.

A Guiding Hand: How Car Accident Attorneys Help Victims Get Justice

In the unsettling aftermath of a car accident, victims often face daunting challenges including, physical pain, emotional turmoil, financial distress, and a labyrinthine legal system. In these times, the expertise of a car accident attorney becomes invaluable. With their comprehensive knowledge of the law and their skill in negotiation, these legal professionals assist victims, paving the path toward justice and recovery. Look at more info below. Negotiating Fair Compensation The value of a car accident claim isn’t easily defined; it involves much more than simple car repairs and medical bills.

Workers' Compensation Agreements: Lump Sum Vs. Structured

When it comes to workers’ compensation, injured workers may have the option to receive their benefits in the form of a lump sum payment or a structured settlement. Below is a discussion of the two options:  Lump Sum Payments A lump sum payment is a one-time, upfront payment that represents the total value of the workers’ compensation benefits owed to the injured worker. Here are some key points about lump sum payments:

The Importance Of Medical Care After A Car Accident

Regardless of how serious or minor you believe your injuries to be, being seen by a medical professional is vital on several levels. The below reasons why medical care is so important after a vehicle accident should be considered. Treatment is necessary. You may think your bumps and bruises can be treated at home. However, even those with medical professionals in their own families should go to the emergency room and get things checked out.

Plot Your Workers' Compensation Course

If you are suffering from a work-related accident, you may be about to embark on a process to secure benefits. Most jobs cover employees with workers’ compensation insurance. This coverage usually extends to medical care, partial disability payments, and lump sum settlements for permanent injuries. Using workers’ compensation insurance is more of a series of events than a single action. Plot your workers’ compensation course by learning more below.  Get Treated for Your Injury

What Are The Primary Reasons You Need To Hire An Auto Accident Attorney Immediately After An Auto Accident?

After an auto accident, the most important thing to do is to hire a qualified auto accident attorney. There are many reasons why it is important to act quickly and get an experienced lawyer on your side. The sooner you have an attorney representing you, the more likely it is that you will be able to receive fair compensation for any damages sustained. This article will discuss four primary reasons why it is important to hire an auto accident attorney immediately after an auto accident.

4 Reasons Why You Should Get A Personal Injury Lawyer For A Slip-And-Fall On Someone's Property

A slip-and-fall accident can happen anywhere, at any time. They are especially common in winter when there is ice and snow on the ground. They can also occur in summer when there is water or oil on the ground. If you’ve slipped and fallen on someone else’s property, you should do a few things. First and foremost, seek medical attention for your injuries. Accidents can happen no matter how careful you are, so don’t let the guilt get to you.

How Personal Injury Lawyers Will Help You Obtain Compensation If You'Re A Victim Of An Electrical Accident

An electrical shock can occur when you least expect it. Whether you’re working on the wiring at home or simply walking past a power line, there is always the potential for an accident. Though some may be natural, others may result from negligence. If you’re a victim of this incident, you should contact personal injury lawyers immediately. These lawyers will assist you in determining the responsible parties so you can get the settlement you need to cover your losses.

Smooth The Way For Your Workers Compensation Deposition

Hurt workers who are denied benefits can follow the claims and appeal process. This process usually involves a deposition. Don’t get rattled at the thought of this event. Your workers compensation lawyer can help you prepare for your deposition but in the meantime, find out more about how to smooth the way forward. What is a Deposition? This legal term sounds a bit mysterious but it’s really not. You’ve probably seen a deposition (on TV or in movies) but didn’t pay much attention.

3 Reasons You Should Hire A Legal Advisor For Your Business

You should always adhere to the relevant regulations as you run your business. Generally, legal compliance issues might have serious consequences, including an order to close down until they fulfill all the requirements. In addition, there is a possibility that a company may face legal action against aggrieved employees, clients, or any other party. When this happens, you need the best legal advice and representation for faster dispute resolution and the best verdict when your case goes to court.

Is A Parking Garage Owner Responsible For My Slip And Fall Accident?

Driving a car can be dangerous, but you might not expect to become injured after you have parked your car in a parking garage. Then, as you walk to your next destination, you might fall and injure yourself. If this happens, the parking garage might be at fault for your injuries. How to Get Started To receive compensation for your slip and fall accident, you will need to prove that the owner of the parking garage was negligent and that this contributed to your accident.

3 Types Of Personal Injury Claims That Need Attorney Representation

Personal injuries can be detrimental to the victims’ lives, but they are common occurrences. For example, many people in the United States suffer fatal injuries while walking, driving, or cycling on the roads. If you get injured in an accident because of someone’s negligence, you could get compensated for the damages and loss. When you get injured in an accident, receiving a settlement you deserve will improve your chances of recovering from the accident.

Essential Reasons To Hire Drunk Driving Attorneys

Many people are arrested for drunk driving every year. Drunk driving has been on the rise lately, which means drunk driving accidents have also been increasing. Drunk driving is a severe offense in the United States and can lead to severe consequences. If you or someone close to you has recently been charged with a DUI, there are several benefits to hiring a lawyer. Drunk driving attorneys protect their clients’ rights and ensure their cases get the best possible outcomes.

Important Reasons A Lawyer Should Be Consulted After An Accident With A Large Semi

Most truck drivers are good at what they do. They are safe and professional when it comes to driving. That doesn’t mean that there aren’t some professional truckers that aren’t reckless. Anyone who has been involved in an accident that has caused serious damage to a vehicle and injuries should consider how complicated an insurance claim might be. There are some really important reasons to consult with a lawyer if you haven’t considered that possibility yet.

What to Do if You're Injured in a Falling Object Accident at a Grocery Store

Grocery stores have many aisles stocked with tons of different products. Most grocery store shelves are quite tall and have multiple levels where food and other products are stored. When grocery shopping, it is normal to simply reach for the product that you want to purchase and place it in your cart. However, if products are not stacked properly, or if a shelf is defective, it is possible for objects to fall, which can cause serious injuries.

Why Parking Lots Can Be So Dangerous

During the winter, one of the most common problems faced by motorists is parking lot accidents. This is especially true during the holiday season when motorists are visiting stores more often to engage in Christmas shopping. However, motorists also have to worry about snow affecting visibility and making it more difficult to park properly. If you have been involved in a parking lot accident and you believe that you are not responsible for injuries suffered, you’ll need to make sense of the incident so that you can prove that you are not responsible for the accident.

The Extent Of Your Injuries And Your Personal Injury Compensation

A personal injury claim must be supported by documentation. When you are hurt because of the negligence of someone else, you have to be able to prove the extent of your injuries. If you are awarded compensation for your injuries, the amount you receive is going to depend on how serious your injuries are and whether you are expected to recover or not. To prove your injuries, you have to go to medical providers who are going to carefully assess your condition and recommend treatment.

Reasons To Pursue A Wrongful Death Case Against A Paddleboard Rental Company

Stand-up paddleboarding can be an enjoyable and healthy activity, but it’s also one that has risks. Most notably, there’s a risk of drowning each time that someone is out on the water. If you’ve had a loved one pass away as a result of drowning while paddleboarding, you may want to hire a wrongful death attorney to discuss whether you should bring legal action against the company that rented the victim the equipment.

Wrongful Death Lawsuits: A Primer

Losing a loved one is always an excruciating experience, but losing someone due to another person’s negligence is especially painful. Although nothing can bring your loved one back, pursuing a wrongful death lawsuit against the responsible parties can at least offer some financial compensation and perhaps some closure. Here a few key facts about wrongful death suits to keep in mind. Types The most common type of wrongful death case involves auto accidents.

Been Told To Keep A Personal Injury Journal? Follow These Tips

If you recently suffered an injury that you’re going to be seeking compensation for in court, your personal injury attorney may have recommended that you keep a journal to document your recovery process. The reason for this is that it can take many months for your case to be heard, and it will be difficult to remember and document things, like pain and suffering. The journal can help you defend your case in mediation or if it goes to trial.

How To Decide If You Should Hire A Lawyer Regarding Your Car Accident

If you have recently found yourself involved in a car accident, where you were not at fault, you might want to think about hiring a car accident lawyer. To help you decide if this is truly something that you should do, you will want to take a few moments to review the following points. You Want To Make Sure This Does Not Happen To Other People Whether you were hit by a employee driving a commercial vehicle or by someone in their own private vehicle, you may want to make a point so that they can truly understand the consequences of their actions especially if the cause of the accident was negligence.

Did A Family Member Die As A Result Of A Premature Hospital Discharge?

One of the most dangerous things that can happen to a hospital patient is being discharged too soon. Patients who are prematurely discharged can suffer from tremendous complications and die very easily, leaving their devastated families behind. This is what you should know about these kinds of situations. Who is likely to be victimized this way? While anybody can fall victim to inadequate medical care, some situations are more likely than others to lead to a premature discharge:

Were You The Driver In A Pedestrian Accident? Defenses You Should Know

If you were the driver of a car involved in an accident with a pedestrian, you may feel as though there’s no option to defend yourself. The truth is that you have several options to defend against these charges. A skilled pedestrian accident attorney can help you evaluate the situation and determine if the pedestrian was at fault in any way. Here are a few of the things to consider.

3 Tips for Protecting Your Finances in a Divorce

Financial matters can complicate a divorce. Although it might be tempting to delay proceedings, it is important to act quickly once it becomes evident you and your spouse are headed for divorce. Failing to take action can result in an unfair division of assets and debts. Here are some financial steps you can take if you are divorcing.   Get Familiar with Your Marital Assets and Liabilities Unless you have been solely responsible for handling the assets and debts in your relationship, there might be some aspects of your marital finances that are you not familiar with.

Know How To Obtain Medical Records For A Personal Injury Lawsuit

If you’re going to file a lawsuit against someone that caused you to become injured, you will need to get a copy of the related medical records. Your medical records can help ensure that your settlement reflects the extent of your injuries and will be a key part of the case. Here is what you need to know about obtaining them. Know Your Rights To Obtaining Medical Records Do you remember all of those forms that you sign when you visit a doctor for the very first time?

3 Tips For Proving Your Injuries After A Car Accident

If you are currently dealing with injuries that are related to an automobile accident that you were involved in, you might be thinking about working with a car accident attorney. An attorney can help ensure that your medical and other accident-related expenses are paid. In order to be properly compensated, however, you will need to be able to prove your injuries. These are a few ways of doing so. 1. Get Notes from Your Doctors

Two Reasons Why It's Imperative For You To Get An Attorney After A Car Accident

If you’ve recently been involved in a car accident, there is likely a flurry of activity around you.  The insurance company for the at-fault party is probably calling you on a very consistent basis, eagerly trying to convince you to take a settlement.  However, before you agree to any monetary restitution, it’s absolutely imperative that you have an attorney on your side.  Use this information to learn more about why it’s so vital for you to hire a lawyer after you’ve been in a car accident.

Suing For A Car Accident That Wasn't Your Fault? Here's How You Can Help Prove Your Case

If you’ve been hurt in a car crash that wasn’t your fault, you may be entitled to compensation from the other party. Here’s how you can help your personal injury lawyer prove your case. Go Back to the Scene of the Accident Revisiting the scene is an excellent way to paint a picture of exactly what went down on the day of your vehicle accident. When there, take some photographs of any street signs, skid marks in the road, and other landmarks that will provide insight into where and how the accident occurred.

4 Things To Know If Your Spouse Is Killed In A Car Accident Due To Negligence

Losing a spouse in a car accident is a traumatic, painful event. It can feel even worse if the accident happened due to negligence on the part of someone else and could have been avoided. If your spouse was killed in a car accident that was caused by someone else, you can file a wrongful death lawsuit. Use the following information to learn more about filing this type of lawsuit:

Two Tips To Help You Get An Affordable Personal Injury Attorney

When you’ve been hurt at the hands of another party, it’s vital that you get the restitution you need.  Your life may be permanently changed as a result of the incident, even taking away from your future earning potential.  That’s why it’s so important for you to get a personal injury attorney on your side.  However, you may feel that you just can’t afford the expense.  Use this information to learn about two tips that can help you get an affordable attorney when you’re involved in a personal injury case.

Prescription Drugs: What To Know When A High At-Fault Driver Caused Your Car Accident

Drug-related car accidents are on the rise in the United States. Most of the accidents relate to marijuana and other illegal street drugs. But if the person who caused your accident was high from prescription drugs, you may wonder if you can sue them for damages. You can pursue a case against the negligent driver with the right legal representation and information. Here’s more information about prescription drug usage while driving and what you can do to recover compensation for your injuries.

Rejected VA Claim? Here's A Few Possible Causes

When dealing with specific injury compensation systems such as Veterans Affairs (VA) disability, an understanding of the surrounding cultures is just as important as understanding the paperwork language. If you’re legitimately suffering from a problem caused by your military service, but have been denied compensation, there could be a few things wrong with both your claim and the VA’s perception of your case. To do something about the former and to better understand the latter, take a look at a few features and flaws of the VA system surrounding your claim.

The Process Of Suing Someone After A Collision

Are you trying to get your life back on track after a traumatic collision with the driver of a semi-trailer truck? The best way is to make sure that you receive justice if the other party was found at fault for the collision. A lawyer can evaluate the incident and help you file a lawsuit to receive money that can go towards helping you recover. The information here will give you a general idea of what to expect after seeking assistance from a lawyer to handle your dispute.

4 Things To Do After Being Hit By A Car As A Pedestrian

Few things are more frightening than being hit by a car while walking across the street or waiting for walk signal to change. Even if your injuries are not severe, you will probably experience anxiety and fear after the accident. Here are four things you must do when you are hit by a car as a pedestrian in order to make this difficult time as comfortable as possible: Call the Police

Getting Legal Help After Suffering A Brain Injury From A Collision

Have you been struggling to recover from a collision with a semi-trailer that left you with a brain injury? A brain injury can cause you problems for the rest of your life. You might want to hire a lawyer to help you build your case so you can be compensated if you were not responsible for the accident.  1. Finding Out if a Lawyer Will Accept the Case You must keep in mind that lawyers will not typically accept all cases that are presented to them.

Difficulties Inherent To Truck Accident Cases

If you get in an accident with a semi-truck, you should be prepared for a gruesome scene. Because trucks are so large and have so much more mass than the typical car, even a low-speed crash can do serious damage and inflict serious injury. That said, dealing with the damage done is usually not the most challenging part of pursuing a truck accident case. Deciding who is at fault can be.

Your State And Your Gender: How They May Affect Your Workers Compensation Award

One of the first questions an injured worker (or a surviving family in the case of workplace death) has is, “How much will I be compensated from the workplace?” The truth about workers compensation is that the amounts workers and their families receive will vary based on how much the worker earned and whether or not their employer kept up with required workers compensation insurance payments. If your employer or loved one’s employer did have insurance to cover workplace injury or death, the amount you receive will also vary based on the following two criteria:

What Can You Do After A Social Security Disability Claim Is Denied?

If you’ve recently received a denial for your Social Security disability claim, it’s important that you understand your options. The first thing you should do is to reach out to a disability attorney who can help you to evaluate your case, the denial reason and the possible options available to you. You’ll have a window of time during which you might be able to appeal, and there are other things you may be able to do as well.

Your Personal-Injury Settlement: Three Ways to Keep Your Insurance Company from Grabbing It All

After a personal injury, you may need to rely on your health-insurance policy to cover your expenses for necessary medical care. Your primary health-insurance coverage allows you to receive accident- or injury-related treatment, surgery, or hospitalization from providers that are financially compensated before your attorney arranges a settlement or monetary award for you. After you receive an award or settlement, you may have to pay back your health-insurance company for the cost of your medical care.

When You Can't Work: Establishing Proof of Your Disability

When you have been injured or struck down with an illness that has left you unable to work, you will need to apply for long-term disability benefits. If you have purchased long-term disability insurance prior to your disability, you will be able to receive payments, depending on the type of policy you invested in. Whether you receive benefits from your long-term disability insurance or get approved for Social Security disability benefits, you will need to prove the nature of your disability and how it prevents you from engaging in gainful employment.

Can You Sue Your Babysitter for Your Child's Injuries?

Children get into fights. They suffer bumps and bruises. This is all part of being a child. However, what happens when the injuries are more severe? What happens when someone was negligent? Can you sue your babysitter for your child’s injuries? You Need to Prove Negligence As with any claim for injuries, you will need to prove that the party you are claiming is at fault, in this case the babysitter, acted negligently.

Avoid These Mistakes After You Were In A Vehicle Accident

When you are involved in a car accident, it can be a very stressful and often traumatic time. While it is hard to think logically about the next important steps, try not to avoid some of these common mistakes people tend to make. Not Gathering Your Own Evidence While you might know that you need to contact a police officer who will write a detailed police report, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t also gather your own evidence.

How Can You Prevent Injuries While Shopping On Black Friday -- And Who Can You Sue If You Are Injured?

The desire to find the perfect gift for what can seem like an ever-growing list while sticking to a budget can sometimes make Black Friday shopping a necessity during the holiday season. However, packed malls and crawling parking lots can pose danger for shoppers – in fact, Black Friday shopping in the U.S. has been deemed responsible for 7 deaths and nearly 100 reported injuries so far. What should you do to protect yourself while participating in this shopping tradition, and what are your legal options if you do find yourself facing an injury after your shopping excursion?

Things You Should Know Before Filing A Personal Injury Suit

Personal injury cases can be some of the most complicated and subjective cases to try. It’s not always easy to prove that an injury was caused by a specific event. In addition, there are so many variables that can be factored into every case, it’s no surprise that people are often uncertain and hesitant. If you’ve been hurt and are considering a personal injury suit, here are a few things that you should understand.

2 Common Defenses Employed In Dog Bite Personal Injury Cases

If you find yourself as the defendant in a dog bite personal injury case, there are two types of primary defenses that are employed. Throughout the course of this brief guide, you will learn about these two types of defenses. Affirmative Defenses An affirmative defense is simply a case where the defense’s story, or case, is affirmed, or proven to be true. One of the most common examples of an affirmative case is one where the plaintiff was trespassing on the defendant’s property when the dog bite took place.

Can You Qualify For Workers' Comp With PTSD? What You Need To Know

Most people already know that you can rely on your employer’s workers’ comp insurance to cover your medical expenses and a portion of your lost wages if you are injured while on the job. In fact, workers’ comp goes beyond the expected coverage by allowing people who are suffering from mental conditions as a result of work to also draw these benefits. One mental condition in particular, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), can result from a worker experiencing a psychologically harmful event while at work.

Forced-Air Blankets And Surgical Site Infections, Burns, And Failure

Hospitals have been using specialized medical devices known as “warming blankets” to combat hypothermia in patients during surgery since the 1980s – and patients are ending up with life-threatening infections as a result. If you’ve had surgery and a forced-air warming blanket was used, this is what you should know. What are medical forced-air warming blankets? There are several different varieties of warming blankets, but they are essentially disposable inflatable blankets that are filled by warm air which is forced into the blanket after passing through a 0.

Black Ice Awareness For Holiday Drivers

Are you going on a long road trip over the holidays? If so, you may encounter black ice at some point during your trip. Knowing what black ice is and how you can protect yourself from this deadly road hazard can help you stay safe this holiday season. What is black ice? Black ice is a type of ice that is completely smooth and contains no bubbles. Without bubbles, ice on the road often appears to be completely clear.

Tips For Determining If A Birth Injury Was Due To Negligence

Suffering an injury during or shortly after birth, whether to the mother or the infant, is both stressful and frightening. It can be even more disturbing if malpractice was at play. Not all cases of birth injury qualify for a malpractice suit. The following guide can help you determine if negligence and malpractice was at the root of your troubles. Was negligence involved? Malpractice can only occur if there was negligence on the part of a medical provider.

Workers' Compensation: Covered Or Not?

Workers’ comp is an important benefit available through your employer that will pay your medical expenses and a portion of your lost wages if you qualify; however, sometimes workplace injuries and the availability of workers’ compensation coverage are not so obvious. For more information about situations that may fall into a gray area and whether you are covered or not, read on. You’re Covered If you are injured at a company sponsored event, such as the annual picnic at the lake or at an off-site Christmas party, you are likely covered.

Can Someone Else Be To Blame For Your Pregnancy?

It should be a joyous occasion to discover that you’re pregnant, but it can also be a devastating blow if you’re not in a position to properly birth, care for and raise a child. Especially if you have been depending on birth control or sterilization to keep from getting pregnant, the conception of a baby can be less than ideal. Wrongful pregnancy lawsuits are most often brought against medical practitioners who performed a sterilization on a man who went on to impregnate a woman or on a woman who became pregnant.

Should You Sign A Confidentiality Agreement When You Settle Your Personal Injury Case?

Are you close to the end of negotiations in your personal injury case? Are you hoping to settle without the additional expense, stress, and time of a trial? Good for you! However, be careful about the terms that you agree to in order to just get this claim settled, especially if the defendant suddenly wants you to sign a confidentiality agreement. There are two good reasons that you may want to think twice about a confidentiality clause.

Three Things To Note About Injury Claims Against An Abusive Spouse

Getting a restraining order or filing a criminal complaint against your abusive partner may be smart moves, but they will not compensate for the losses triggered by the abuse. The only way to get restitution is to file a personal injury lawsuit, something that some states allow. Here are three things you should know before heading down that road: It Is Not For Protection Contacting a personal lawyer to instigate injury claims against an abusive spouse is not the first thing to do if your partner is abusing you.

Are There Alternatives To Taking Your Negligent Doctor To Court?

Going to court against your doctor in a medical malpractice case could be a risky move. The jury could decide in your doctor’s favor, which would leave you without compensation for the injuries you incurred from his or her negligence. Before heading to court, you and your attorney can possibly use an alternative method of settling the case to ensure that you get some sort of compensation. Here are two alternatives to consider.

Workers' Compensation Eligibility: Determining If An Injury Is Work-Related

In order to receive workers’ compensation benefits, you must have a work-related illness or injury. Of course, like many rules that seem simple on the surface, things get more complicated when money is involved. To know whether you’re eligible for benefits, you have to determine whether your injury is really “work-related” – which means knowing exactly what that phrase means. Location In order for an injury or illness to be work-related, you need to be able to argue that it happened either at work or during an activity that was part of your work.

Residual Functional Capacity: How Does It Affect The Outcome Of Your Disability Claim?

If the Social Security Administration (SSA) denies your disability claim because it fails to recognize your illness or physical impairment through a residual functional capacity exam, contact a disability lawyer right away. The administration uses residual functional capacity exams to determine the extent of your physical capabilities. If you can perform some type of employment, such as sitting down at a desk or working less hours in your current career, the SSA can refuse your first disability claim.

Dealing With Everyday Objects That May Constitute Attractive Nuisances

Attractive nuisances are dangerous conditions or objects that may attract children to your property, and harm them. Children are specifically mentioned because they are naturally curious and haven’t learned to recognize danger. Most people know this, but they assume that special conditions such as swimming pools, trampolines, and construction debris may attract and harm children. The reality is that there are many other everyday objects that fit this category. Here are a few examples and how to deal with them: